I am happy to help you to decide which type of portrait suits your subject best from the photographs you have. Please use the form to make enquiries, alternatively email me your photographs debbieallenportraits@gmail.com and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

All portraits are drawn from your own photographs, so it’s worth taking time to take a good one. It is important not to reduce the file size when sending a digital image so that no detail is lost.

Tips for a good photograph:

  • I need a good clear photograph to work from. It is also very helpful to see a selection of other photographs of the subject in order to get a better idea of their character, colouring and likeness.
  • Please ensure your photos are clearly in focus, showing facial details, especially eyes, clearly.
  • Don’t worry about backgrounds as these can be changed or ignored.
  • Avoid flash photography as all the eye detail becomes lost. Natural lighting results in beautiful eye reflections which make a much better portrait.
  • Take the photograph from eye level with the subject rather than looking down at them (unless you particularly want this angle) Full face on can be good but also consider profile or ¾ angle for an interesting portrait.